Welcome to

PGNY Consultıng

PGNY USA is a satellite office of Bilson Consulting firm, a dynamic “Management” and “Human Resources” consulting company located in New York City.

About Us

Established with a team of professionals with high ethical standards, extensive education, a proven record for transforming businesses into more efficient organizations, “PGNY” helps develop, recommend, and implement business improvements for companies. PGNY consults with companies to identify the business’s strengths and weaknesses to develop an improvement plan. Additionally, PGNY Consulting executives train both H/R and clients on business development processes along with modelling, analysis, and research for specific business design efforts. Our team is customer-focused, flexible and adaptable in order to accommodate each client’s specific needs.
As New York arm of Bilson Consulting, we carry out a strategy map for all core business operations to analyze the company’s logical relationships between organizational values, resources, and objectives using four perspectives – the Learning and Growth Perspective, the Internal Perspective, the Customer Perspective, and the Financial Perspective.
Our goal is to strengthen your workforce with highly configurable reporting and executive dashboards. Eliminate your paper HR files and streamline your HR workflows. Turning your HR department into a strategy center, focusing on building culture, improving productivity and staying ahead of workforce shifts.


Training is the most important aspect in a company’s structure. We specialize in prodution, storage, logistics and marketing, tracking mandated training requirements, disciplinary offenses, organizational charts, promotion decisions, ROI on costs associated with training, including actual cost of time away from work.
We focus on leadership seminars, communication styles and effective management, learning objectives focusing on intellectual and practical competencies.

With our Training PRogrammes You will:

Cyber Dilligence

Disciplinary Offenses

With PGNY USA program, you can easily create a list of all the offenses in order to track events per employee. We have programs where we become a part of your organization’s work force to investigate disiplinary offenses and wrongdoings in your organization, either based on company policy or industry standard. This program is based on a timeline where at the final stage we prepare detailed reports to analyze all of these and offer training programs accordingly.
At the base of this study we significantly focus on the company needs customizing strategies, case studies and seminars to improve and understand how an organization uses human capital, information capital, and organization capital to achieve goals.

Our strategic partner, a team of professionals at Cyber Diligence has over 150 years of experience and knowledge collectively, in law enforcement and cybercrime investigations.

Cyber Diligence has the capabilities of executing an extensive assortment of investigative services precisely designed to fit your needs. Our highly experienced team is committed to providing you with investigative assistance that will aid you in making educated determinations in order to resolve any issues or situations pertaining to your case.
We are investigators, meaning we do not blindly process data. Rather, we work to understand your case and uncover the evidence you are seeking.
Our executive team, consisting entirely of former law enforcement professionals, possesses a highly specialized skillset focusing on internal investigations and corruption prevention — a skillset honed by decades of work with foreign governments and international policing organizations.

Please visit us at: www.cyberdilligence.com

“Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.”